Child Development Milestones: Key Stages and Growth Progress Indicators 2023

Child development milestones are crucial markers that help you understand and monitor your child’s growth and progress. These milestones cover various aspects of a child’s development, such as motor skills, speech, and social interactions. It’s essential to remember that each child develops at their own pace, so these milestones serve as general guidelines for what to expect during your child’s early years.
During the first few years of life, your child’s brain develops faster than at any other time, making early experiences and interactions crucial for their lifelong development. Some common milestones in a baby’s first year include smiling intentionally, sitting without support, and waving goodbye. As your child grows older, you may notice changes in how they play, learn, speak, and act.
By being aware of these developmental milestones, you can better support your child’s growth and identify any potential delays or concerns. Remember that it’s normal for children to reach different milestones at different times, so be patient and nurturing as you guide them through these exciting and transformative stages of their life.
- Fundamental Milestones in Child Development
- Motor and Cognitive Development
- Communication and Language Development
- Social and Emotional Development
- Common Delays and Early Intervention
- Footnotes
- Activities and Environment for Supporting Development
- Physical Changes and Development During Adolescence
- Frequently Asked Questions
- Conclusion
- Ana Isabel Turner
Fundamental Milestones in Child Development

As a parent or caregiver, it is essential to understand the fundamental milestones in child development. Keeping track of these milestones helps you ensure your child’s health and development. It is always advised to consult a healthcare professional or pediatrician if you have any concerns. The American Academy of Pediatrics encourages parents to keep regular visits with healthcare providers during the early years of a child’s life.
Birth to 2 Months
During this early stage of development, your infant will achieve several critical milestones:
- Motor Skills: Your child will begin to move their limbs, open their hands, and develop head control.
- Visual Development: Your infant will start focusing on objects and faces 8 to 12 inches away.
- Communication: Your baby will make sounds, such as cooing, and cry differently to communicate needs.
- Social/Emotional Development: Your child will learn to recognize your voice and respond with smiles or calmness.
2 to 6 Months
In this age range, your child’s development advances with new milestones:
- Motor Skills: Your baby will start to roll over, sit up with support, and reach for objects.
- Visual Development: Your infant will begin to track moving objects with their eyes and develop hand-eye coordination.
- Communication: Your child will increase cooing, babbling sounds, and begin to laugh or squeal in response to stimuli.
- Social/Emotional Development: Your baby will start to recognize familiar people, show an interest in mirrors, and enjoy social interaction like playing peek-a-boo.
6 to 12 Months
This period sees significant growth in your child’s development milestones:
- Motor Skills: Your child will learn to crawl, pull themselves up to stand, and possibly take their first steps.
- Visual Development: Your infant’s depth perception and hand-eye coordination will become more refined, allowing them to grab and manipulate objects.
- Communication: Your baby will start to understand simple words, shake their head for “no,” and use gestures like waving bye-bye.
- Social/Emotional Development: Your child will develop a sense of object permanence, show anxiety around strangers, and display a range of emotions like joy, fear, and frustration.
Remember to consult your pediatrician if you have concerns about your child’s development, and always maintain regular visits with your healthcare provider. Being aware of the developmental milestones for each age range will help you support your child’s growth and well-being.
Motor and Cognitive Development

Gross Motor Skills
During your child’s first year, they will start to develop gross motor skills such as rolling, crawling, and walking. Around 6 months, you may notice your child starting to roll over, both from their back to their stomach and vice versa. As they continue to grow and develop muscle strength, they’ll learn to sit without support.
Crawling typically begins between 7 and 10 months, as your child starts using their arms and legs to explore their environment. By 12 months, you’ll likely see your child learning to stand independently and possibly even taking their first steps! Remember to provide them with a safe environment for exploration and encourage activities that promote the development of their gross motor skills.
Fine Motor Skills
Fine motor skills involve smaller movements, such as grasping and picking up objects. You’ll notice your child moving objects from one hand to the other and practicing their pincer grasp as they grow. Providing age-appropriate toys and games that challenge their dexterity can help them develop these skills faster.
Activities such as stacking blocks, coloring, and playing with puzzles offer excellent opportunities for practicing fine motor skills. As they continue to grow, you’ll see them mastering coordination and precision in their hand movements.
Cognitive and Problem-Solving Skills
Critical cognitive milestones in your child’s development include learning, exploration, memory, and problem-solving. Encouraging play is a crucial aspect of fostering cognitive growth, as it allows them to practice these skills in a low-pressure environment.
In the first two years, you’ll see improvements in their understanding of cause and effect, object permanence, and problem-solving abilities. Their language skills will also progress rapidly, from babbling to forming simple sentences. Make sure to engage them in various activities and games that promote cognitive development, such as reading books, playing peek-a-boo, and offering puzzles as they get older.
Remember that each child develops at their own rate, and milestones should serve as a general guide. However, by providing a stimulating and supportive environment, you can help your child reach their full potential in motor and cognitive development.
Communication and Language Development

Speech and Early Language
In the early stages of your child’s life, their language development progresses through a series of milestones. Babies typically start by cooing and babbling– making sounds like “ba-ba-ba” and “ma-ma-ma” without meaning between birth to 5 months. As they grow, they start vocalizing pleasure and displeasure sounds like laughs, giggles, cries, or fusses. It’s important to pay attention and engage in conversations with your child to encourage their speech development.
By 6 to 11 months, babies usually:
- Understand “no-no”
- Begin to form simple words, such as “ma-ma” or “da-da”
- Make noise when being talked to
Moving forward, key developmental milestones appear around 1 to 2 years of age, like:
- Understanding and following simple instructions
- Identifying common objects and body parts
- Saying several single words
- Putting two words together, such as “more juice” or “daddy car”
Social Communication Skills
Social communication skills encompass more than just speech and language. They also include nonverbal cues, such as gestures, facial expressions, and body language. Developing these skills is crucial for your child’s overall communication abilities.
During their first year, children typically:
- Make eye contact
- Respond to their name
- Recognize and respond to different tones of voice
- Point to things to show interest
Around 2-3 years of age, children usually:
- Start imitating and using simple gestures
- Engage with other children and play simple make-believe games
- Show an understanding of basic social rules
As your child continues to develop, watch for potential communication milestones and support their growth in speaking, listening, and understanding. Remember that each child develops at their own pace, and slight variations in reaching milestones are normal. If you have concerns about your child’s communication and language development, consult with a healthcare professional for guidance.
Social and Emotional Development

Early Interactions
At the beginning of your child’s life, they start to show various social and emotional milestones. Around 2 months old, they begin to smile at familiar faces and attempt to self-soothe by sucking their thumb or hand. As they reach 4 months old, they will smile without prompting at other people and enjoy playing, possibly crying when playtime ends.
By 9 months, babies start to show stranger anxiety and prefer some toys over others. At 12 months, they play favorites with familiar people, become more interactive (like handing over a toy or a book), and enjoy simple interactive games like patty-cake and peekaboo.
Emotional Regulation
As your child continues to grow, they will develop their emotional regulation skills. This involves learning how to express emotions appropriately, manage personal feelings, and engage in healthy relationships. Emotional regulation is vital to their overall well-being and social skills.
During the first year, babies learn to recognize and react to different emotions and are more likely to become visibly upset by change. Between 1 and 2 years old, toddlers start to display a wider range of emotions, such as jealousy and affection. They also develop a sense of self and may experience separation anxiety.
Over time, you may notice your child’s personality emerge, shaping how they interact with others, react to various situations, and navigate their emotions. Supporting and reinforcing healthy emotional development is crucial, as it lays a strong foundation for building relationships and coping with life’s ups and downs.
Common Delays and Early Intervention

Identifying Developmental Delays
It’s essential to be aware of the typical developmental milestones that children reach as they grow. However, you might notice that your child is experiencing delays in reaching these milestones compared to their peers. Common developmental delays can occur in 10%-15% of preschool children, with global developmental delay reported in 1%-3% of preschool children1.
Developmental delays might be related to speech, motor, social, or cognitive skills. For example, your child might be delayed in smiling for the first time, speaking their first word, rolling over, or pulling up to stand2. If you’re concerned about your child’s progress, consulting a primary care physician or discussing your concerns with your child’s preschool can be helpful in identifying potential delays.
Support and Resources
Early intervention is crucial to address developmental delays and lessen their potential impact on your child’s progress. Early intervention programs can provide critical support and resources to help your child achieve their developmental milestones. These programs might include speech therapy, occupational therapy, or physical therapy, among others.
To help with identifying and addressing developmental delays, the CDC has published guidelines that cover social, emotional, language, communication, cognitive, movement, and physical development milestones for children aged 2 months old through 5 years old.
Don’t forget that every child is unique and develops at their own pace. Keep track of your child’s progress, consult professionals when necessary, and take advantage of available support and resources to help your child achieve their full potential.
Activities and Environment for Supporting Development

Creating a Stimulating Environment
To support your child’s development, create a stimulating environment that encourages exploration and learning. Offer a variety of toys and books, with different colors, textures, and functions to keep them engaged. Make sure they have access to safe spaces where they can move freely – this helps promote fine motor skills and physical development. Consider incorporating mirrors so your child can see their face, as the recognition of faces contributes to their social growth.
Keep the environment clutter-free, allowing your child to focus on one activity at a time. Always ensure that items in their surroundings are age-appropriate and follow safety guidelines.
Age-Appropriate Activities and Games
When planning activities and games for your child, consider their age and developmental stage. Here are some ideas for different age groups:
- Birth to 3 months: Activities should focus on interaction and sensory experiences. You can engage your baby by talking, making faces, or singing to them. Providing contrasting colors and interesting patterns in their environment can aid in visual development.
- 4 to 6 months: It’s essential to help your baby practice new skills like grabbing objects and rolling over. Offer a mixture of toys they can hold, teethers, and rattles to fine-tune their motor coordination. Encourage tummy time and experiment with different textures during play.
- 7 to 12 months: Your baby will become more mobile and may begin to crawl. Offer activities that encourage movement and exploration, including soft blocks, stacking toys, and push or pull toys. Practice eating with baby-safe utensils, which can boost fine motor skills.
- 1 to 3 years: At this age, children start to think more independently and engage in pretend play, so offer toys that support imaginative scenarios, like dolls and play kitchens. Reading books together can foster language development and cognitive skills.
Choose activities and games that suit your child’s unique interests and needs. Be attentive and responsive to their cues, adjusting your approach as your child grows and their abilities change.
Physical Changes and Development During Adolescence

Puberty and Growth
During adolescence, your body undergoes significant changes due to hormones and growth. Most girls will be physically mature by the end of this period, while boys might still be maturing. You will experience growth spurts, which usually occur earlier for girls and adolescents assigned female at birth (AFAB) between the ages of 10 and 14, as explained by the Cleveland Clinic. Other physical changes you may notice include:
- Body odor
- Acne
- Increased body hair
These changes are perfectly normal and are part of your body’s development process.
Cognitive and Social Changes
As you progress through adolescence, your cognitive abilities develop significantly. You’ll start to show an increasing ability to reason, make educated guesses, and differentiate between fact and fiction. Your thought process will also become more abstract, allowing you to compare present situations to possible future outcomes and hypothesize about different scenarios.
With these cognitive changes come social developments, too. You’ll begin setting your own goals for the future, considering different opinions, and improving your overall decision-making skills. It’s important to remember that everyone’s experience during adolescence is unique, and the pace of your personal physical and cognitive development may vary from your peers. Embracing these changes and understanding their role in your overall growth will help you navigate adolescence with confidence.
Frequently Asked Questions
When do babies start crawling?
Babies typically start crawling between 6 to 10 months, but some may take a little longer or adopt a different method of moving, like scooting or rolling. It’s essential to give your child plenty of tummy time and opportunities to practice their gross motor skills. You can find more information on developmental milestones at the CDC’s Developmental Milestones page.
When do children begin to talk?
Most children start speaking their first words around their first birthday, but the range can vary, with some starting as early as 9 months or as late as 18 months. Encourage your child’s language development by talking and communicating with them regularly. For more information on how to support your child’s communication skills, visit’s FAQ.
When do kids start walking?
Kids usually begin walking independently between 9 and 18 months. Each child’s development differs, so ensure you provide plenty of support and opportunities for your little one to practice standing and taking steps.
When can children hold a pencil?
Children can typically grasp and hold a pencil between 3 and 4 years old. At this stage, they may begin scribbling or attempting to form letters. It’s essential to provide age-appropriate writing tools and encourage your child’s fine motor development through various activities.
When do kids develop self-control?
Self-control begins to emerge in children around the age of 3 years, but it can widely vary depending on the child’s environment and experiences. Developing self-control happens gradually, and parents can support it through modeling, setting boundaries, and providing clear expectations.
When do children learn to read?
Children generally begin learning to read between the ages of 5 and 7, although some may progress faster or slower depending on their learning environment and individual abilities. You can support your child’s reading development by reading to them daily and providing a variety of age-appropriate reading materials.
As you’ve learned, child development milestones play a crucial role in assessing how a child grows, learns, and interacts with the world around them. Children achieve these milestones at different ages for skills like walking, talking, or socializing, which can offer important insights into their overall growth and physical, cognitive, and emotional development.
It’s essential to remember that every child is unique, and comparing them to others may not always be helpful. Instead, focus on understanding your child’s individual progress and providing them with a supportive and nurturing environment. The CDC provides comprehensive Developmental Milestones guidelines based on age, which can help you monitor your child’s journey effectively.
Remember that parental involvement and early experiences shape a child’s life. It’s your responsibility to create a positive, stimulating space where your child can explore, learn, and express themselves. Encourage activities that help them develop language, motor, and social skills according to their age and ability.
In summary, recognizing and understanding your child’s developmental milestones allows you to better support their growth and identify any potential developmental delays. Keep track of their achievements and be an active participant in their life, so they can continue to flourish and succeed in their unique journey.

Ana Isabel Turner
Simple Solutions for Life in a Chaotic World.